Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Festival Of Colors

So I finally made it to the festival of colors! Yes it was awesome and Yes I had colors everywhere! haha But it was a lot of fun and thats all that matters! :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Shout out to you CADEN!!!

Wow doesn't time seem to fly by faster and faster as you get older! Well FYI to all it goes really really fast! :)

First and foremost I want to wish my little brother the BEST birthday ever!

But an update on my life... hmmm work is work, school is school, and life is well... Life. Congrats to the Packers and Thank You Jerry. ( That was my little sports blerp haha). Well hopefully everyone is doing amazing! Adios and have a good day!!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ready For Another Wild Ride!

So far working is GREAT! I love the people I have met and I'm doing pretty well. But tomorrow is the test to find out. No Really its The Test! haha I have to get a 85% or better so wish me luck!!! Today in institute (might I just add a plug about institute... if you not taking it TAKE IT NOW!!!! Best decision of your life) we talked about how the savior is in everything we see hear do and say!!!! Christ loves us individually and I want you to know that!!!! Lets see what else... O Pilates! Can I just say that my body hurts from head to toe. You want a work out that kicks your butt... try pilates. Well thats it for now! ttyl

Ashley :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

First Day of Work!

Well today is that first day of my training.... Let me just say that I am a wee bit scared! haha But I am also excited too. Well School is going well and I have really enjoyed all my classes so far. BUT I must say that I enjoy institute the most. This semester I am taking a class called Scripture Study! My first day was amazing and I have already enjoyed reading the scriptures ten times more! Hint: Actually studying the scriptures compared to reading them makes a very big difference. I challenge you to try it out! :) Well everyone wish me luck! :) Have a super day!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

School Again!

"Study and learn, and become acquainted with all good books ..." - D&C 90:15

Well everyone it is that time again when one must enter back into the smell of dusty library books and fresh paper. The sound of computers key boards humming and of course pencils scratching. Thats right I'm talking about another semester of college! But hopefully things will be fantastic as I make my way through pilates and human physiology. But we will have to see about stress management. Can you really control your stress? I guess I will find out! But my nutrition class sounds really fun! (hopefully no worries there!?!) Well wish me luck as I venture in to the red zone! :)

Best wishes to all! :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Trying something new!

Well Everyone...
I thought it would be about time to try something new! Facebook was getting old and everyone has a blog right. Right! Well than this is my blog! My life is always moving fast and always moving in different ways! So this is where I am going to express how crazy life can be as a college student at the U trying to become a nurse! Follow me to see what happens next! :)